08 October, 2009

to my unanswered why that doesn’t need an answer anymore

Frankly if you ask me, I really want to know the truth.
I don’t want to die without knowing why!! Do u?
I believe everything happened for a reason…
And what’s the reason behind all the irresponsible evil’s act?
Was trying to figure out myself..
I know by doing this, all I could get is still the same.
There’s million of question running thru my brain cells.
What the bloody hell happens to God creates so-call-human behaviour???
Everything was still here unanswered!!!
I wanted to know why yet I don’t want to know yet..
When the time arrives, I know the answer will come.
And aren’t some question is better left unanswered?
I guess it was right.. Let’s wait..
One day where I finally don’t even remember your name anymore…