Im middle in learning something new, this is the process of growing up, isn’t us? I love it even it is kinda cruel. To learn the trusting games again is something hard. Is something of either you win or lose in gamble. Learned, never bet your whole properties on one thing. Learn to invest. ;P
Who would give up of learning being a better person? How many people would give up just because the process is cruel? I dunno.. at least I wont and never. You might say im silly, but whose will give up on herself. Life is a process of learning. Im learning, how about you?
Enjoying the Trouble of some memory lost. Kekee..
You hear me right, am really enjoying.
You kept reminding me of everything, which I never recall of.
Dramatic that bring sweetness *
I wonder if its my memory lost or the fake story?
Still I love it**