THE-CURSE-CHAIN, what it is actually? Curse chain is those fwd mail or text from someone that brings curse if you did not send to some amount of ppl. Let me give you some example here;
E.g. One (1):
“Good Luck, Good Love & Happiness will always stay close with you. Send it to 18 peoples, if you delete this mail/msg Bad Luck will keep coming to you.”
E.g. Two (2):
“God please send an angel to protect the one who re reading this mail/msg. They re the most beautiful person I Love most. Ok now send it to 8 peoples you love the most or else…blaa bla blaa”
Hey come on, if you love this person so much why still send those sms or mail to curse them? I mean ya, you definitely ask God to bless them from harm and stay safe, ONLY IF they fwd the mail/msg to others.
Honestly i hate these kind of mail or msg. It does make me feel uneasy. If you truly bless me wit your heart, you wont be sending me these mail/msg. Some even stated ‘if you delete this mail, you will have BAD LUCK for 6 years.” DAMN IT!! And some even worst, “if you do not send it to 8 peoples, your families / father / mother / siblings will die within xxx days” WTH izzit??!
Okay, normally if it states is all referring to my own self, I definitely will delete it straight away. So what will you do if it refers to your close one? Will you delete it or fwd this ignoring mail to your friends and make them curse you back in heart? My answer: I will fwd to others and definitely I will delete some contain in the mail. Those cursing words, I really don’t feel like sending it to my friends but I have no choice. See, it hurts no one.
So to anyone who read this please pull my name out from those mail / msg you fwd. I don’t need this kind of blessing, thx! By right I should feel happy because im blessed by you, but I won’t okay. It will only make me frustrated and you re making me irritated. STOP doing these irritating things anymore.
"Don’t spam my mailbox. My mailbox is for those who really love Me"