We never know if we never been in the situation ourselves. We never learn if the world wasn’t cruel. We never know everything have a dateline if we never set it go. We never know whose gonna love us if we never give chances. We never know how strong our heart is if we never been hurt. We never know what is important if we never lose it. We never know if we never try… what if we did try darn hard?!
OK im not in a good condition to blog right now. I been away lately to somewhere I shouldn’t be. Dragging myself to fact and here im, blogging nonsense again. Yes I been emotionally lately, blame it on weather. Its always not my fault to behave emotionally. (my bro in law said, blame it on whatever or whoever, dun blame it on yrself)YES weather’s fault. Haahahaa..
Oh. To those who dunno, my dear Mr. JC (*my lovely PC) is back after admitting to ICU for month. After weeks he been sent home, only to found out the heart transfer wasn’t as success as expected. So I decided to send him for another heart transfer. Hopefully this time he wont be away for too long.
After month of not integrate wit IT World, found out im still surviving. Never know I could do so well with no Mr.JC around for month. Hmm.. back to 10yrs, I wasnt using any IT things oso, opss no.. suppose back to 20yrs ago. I started missing those days..
Lets have some update about me. One month wasn’t long, 4weeks, 28days, 1344hrs… OK not blogging for 1344hrs so far. Short moment but gone thru alot. First thing, I gonna start work on 1st April. I really wish it wasn’t an April Fool Jokes. Second thing, I finally perm my hair, is nice but is hard to maintain. Kind of wasting my time… hmm wat else? Think you guys never wan to find out more, it boredom. Or say give me some privacy, thanks.
You know when you re emotionally down, you dun really feel like sharing. What the purpose for sharing if it never can help. Useless!! I gone thru things myself, I shared with those close around me, I learn from things and facts. Everything maintained and ends up you re still facing all those shit alone. So I rather keep silent, is the best things we should do.
Next thing, I miss you. What the heck was wrong wit the karma? Sent me the bill, I ll pay off all the debt in one lump sum. Oh is 3AM, slept for 5hrs after back from office. I had been sleeping a lot lately, best thing to do without MR.JC around. I wonder what’s so interesting about it that makes you still reading. Hopefully my bullshit-ing never makes you dull. Ahh.. if it never bored, pls keep track on my next coming blog. Never know what would it be, is depends on my mood.
OK gotto take off. Pls do not take this blog seriously, never take crazy person words as real. Hehehee.. Juz ignore it. Thanks!
*Notes: dear crazy babe, not every separation is worst. Some gives us a brighter future. There is where we belong, to be what worth for us to live. Only times will tell. I’ll be here for you always. cheers
With love, VeenieWong