31st May 2008
Another outing wit my dearly ex-colleagues. this day was as usual too, gathering for eating (i think we should hv some others thing to do than eating) hmm..meet up everyone at kepong 7sharp. i cant remember de restaurant name, sumhow name ‘Tak Fook’. they said is a well known restaurant. hehee..i never heard before. foods is nice n cheap, it costs us RM260++ for 14persons. perhaps vry cheap.
After dinner we head to baskin robbins at curve, since today is 31st we get 50% off. thanks Mr.Eddie for sponsoring us.. winks**
im havin a good time wit u guys. n thanks for de silly things u ll did tat day.. somehow it make me kindda uneasy but I jz love being wit u ll. MmuakS~